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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Past Issues


Developing French Written Expression through Critical Thinking Activities

Soodeh Eghtesad,Akram Inanloo Khajlo

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.93-122

Developing French Written Expression through Critical Thinking Activities ×

This study analyzes the impact of a practical teaching of critical thinking on the writing skills of French language learners in an institutional context in Iran. Learners were divided into two groups, an experimental group and a control group; Honey's (2005) Critical Thinking Questionnaire was administered to the participants and their scores were analyzed to ensure that there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding their critical thinking abilities at the beginning of the training. Learners completed five semesters of coursework with identical course objectives and activities. However, the experimental group also received critical thinking training through media analysis, debates, and problem-solving activities. The analysis of the data, which consisted of qualitative analysis of students' writings in the middle and at the end of the training, indicates that the experimental group outperformed the control group in writing. These results imply that critical thinking activities had a positive impact on learners' writing skills since they allowed them to perform writing tasks by paying attention to the writing as a process, rather than only focusing on the final product.

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The Fairness of the News Frame in Public Broadcasting Systems after Candlelight Revolution : Focusing on the reports of public broadcasting systems like MBC regarding ‘collusion between prosecution and media'

Moon-hwan, Kim

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.123-147

The Fairness of the News Frame in Public Broadcasting Systems after Candlelight Revolution : Focusing on the reports of public broadcasting systems like MBC regarding ‘collusion between prosecution and media' ×

From April 1st to April 6th, public broadcasting systems including MBC, KBS, and TBS continued to cover the news in the frame of ‘collusion between prosecution and media'. I analyzed the news frame in 4 research questions (RQ). RQ 1. Was the news frame accurate? RQ 2. Was the news frame balanced? RQ 3. Was the news frame impartial? RQ 4. “Who benefits (cui bono) from the news frame? As a result of the analysis, the news frame of ‘collusion between prosecution and media' in public broadcasting systems' wasn't ‘accurate', ‘balanced', and ‘impartial'. The news frame was for the benefit of the ruling powers. Even in the Moon Jae-in government Launched after the 2016 Candlelight Revolution, the pro-government reporting behavior of public broadcasting systems has not changed.

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Culinary Semiotics as A New Agenda for Cultural Studies

Yo-song, Park

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.149-169

Culinary Semiotics as A New Agenda for Cultural Studies ×

This paper outlines the interdisciplinary approach in my forthcoming monography “Horizon of Culinary Semiotics” (written in Korean, 2022). Based on Cultural Semiotics and Text Linguistics, it deals with semiotic characters of food, its modes of preparation, dining programs, behavior and etiquette of eaters, culinary discourse involved in it as well as aesthetics of culinary narratives. For that we investigate a wide range of semantic features of gustemes, semiotic square of eater types and food-related figuration of culturemes (=reality model): in short, semantics and syntax of spatio-temporal setting, kinemics of preparation and consumption, proxemics of table companions and pragmatic maxims for participant-interactions. These syncretisms in the kitchen (=ars culinae) of most societies, which are becoming more important in the era of globalization, should be here systematically described and explained by equally syncretic discipline of Culinary Semiotics by which I would like to (re-)formulate all the relevant contributions and connect them into a unified framework.

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How to read a recipe : the semiotic point of view

Gianfranco Marrone

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.171-189

How to read a recipe : the semiotic point of view ×

Writing a recipe is no easy task. It requires great care to render those various steps clearly, placing them in order, explaining the reasons for their importance in achieving the final result. However, over time the technique for writing a recipe, and consequently for composing an entire recipe book, has not just been perfected, but has reached fairly stable standards that, when reproduced, make teaching others to cook using the written word a fairly common practice. So, this article try to answer to the answers: How are recipes structured? What order do they follow when describing a culinary procedure?

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Gestion des collaborateurs en contexte de fragilisation de l'autorité des leaders, en paroisse

Isaac Houngue

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.191-207

Gestion des collaborateurs en contexte de fragilisation de l'autorité des leaders, en paroisse ×

In the context of a Catholic parish, the responsible leaders referred to in this article are the priests, and the collaborators are the faithful committed to volunteering for the functioning of the parish. Originally considered as noble people because of their function, several sensitive questions have tarnished the notoriety of priests. What happens when the leader's authority is weakened? Based on interviews with 30 priests and 20 volunteers, this study examines the reaction of each other in a situation of weakening the authority of the leader.

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Author Guidelines 외

고려대학교 응용문화연구소

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.24 pp.209-222

Author Guidelines 외 ×

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Deconfinement and economic recovery, what's new?

Daniel Moatti;Frederic Ely

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.23 pp.3-18

Deconfinement and economic recovery, what's new? ×

Confinement has been, for France, the best way to reduce the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. If confinement seems synonymous of respect of the environment, what presages the forthcoming deconfinement? American, Italian, French researchers do not hesitate to mention the links between fine particles pollution and the coronavirus spread. Two pandemic transmission ways are addressed, the transmission via buccal et nasal droplets spread by humans in the atmosphere and the virus survival and travel possibility on fine particles. Finally, the previous degradation of the respiratory system due to the massive spread of the fine particles in the atmosphere facilitate the virus penetration within the respiratory paths. Like Ebola, SARS-CoV, Asian flu, Aids, Covid-19 is related to the animal world. These increasingly virulent zoonoses illustrate the relationship between the human and the nature he is manhandling. Knowing that the biodiversity destruction becomes a humanity threat, will deconfinement and economic recovery take them into account for avoiding to reach the same environmental dead ends? In Europe and in France several voices request that economic recovery be accompanied by the consciences deconfinement.

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Teleworking and containment during the Covid-19 pandemic : situation, experience, professional identity

Corinne Baujard

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.23 pp.19-52

Teleworking and containment during the Covid-19 pandemic : situation, experience, professional identity ×

Teleworking during a confinement period, suddenly implemented in France on March 17, 2020, has been in the news for the past few weeks. Research fields on telework have frequently been the opportunity to present promising benefits for employees : time savings due to the absence of travail, work-life balance, flexible working hours, silent environment in order to escape the noisy demands of repetitive word. The deployment of digital relationships and the daily congestion in large cities reinforce these expectations. Il the need to protect the health of employees in order to ensure a certain balance between the modality of remote work and the protection of privacy, no study has taken into account the telework imposed in the context of suprecedented confinement. The challenges of social isolation and damage to professional psychological health are an opportunity to reflect on homowork, especially when it is based on recourse without preparation and without prior consultation. In this context, the human consequences are difficult to grasp, the phenomina of resilience juste as much. This means that feedback is essential to undestand situation for employees in confinement. How does the development of the continuity of remote work during a pandemic pose a social risck for employees ? How does the organization pay attention to the employees forced by the situation ? What work from the experience of employees can we produce for scientific research ? An exploratory approach has led to favorient a reflection of Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) type relatively open to secondary sources (newpapers, television programs, internet). Then we proceedet to the coding of the transcribed interviews and to the writing of explanatory memos which allow to keep the thoughts, the comments to explore. Howewer, we cannot yet envisage the full scope of the form of improvised or clandestine organization of the work of employees constrained by the health situation which will emerge from this unprecedented situation in periods of confinement. In any cas, it appears that the lack of preparation of this particular experience for unknown circumstances becomes an identity analyzer of the practice of teleworking of tomorrow.

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Les valeurs culturelles et la mode : Quelques réflexions sémiotiques sur les films d'Andrei Konchalovsky et de Yana Nedzvetskaya

Inna Merkoulova

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.23 pp.53-69

Les valeurs culturelles et la mode : Quelques réflexions sémiotiques sur les films d'Andrei Konchalovsky et de Yana Nedzvetskaya ×

The article presents a semiotic approach to the space of glamor and fashion in the cinematographic works of director Andrei Konchalovsky and stylist Yana Nedzvetskaya. What are the semiotic features of the gloss space? How does the transition from the space of existence to the space of experience take place? What is the link between the « center – periphery » movement and the loss of identity?

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Stratégies dans la traduction des culturèmes roumains en français

Carmen Andrei

EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.23 pp.71-91

Stratégies dans la traduction des culturèmes roumains en français ×

Famous for being untranslatable, culture specific elements are an obstacle that can be overcome during the translation process. They are linguistic testimonies of immanent connotations, of different world outlooks, or even of socio-cultural trasfer of realia present in the source culture, but absent from the target culture. The study of Romanian culture specific elements of the past referring to the field of customs and beliefs, to the material culture shows that there are useful strategies that the translator may resort to: direct literal translation, adaptation, explicitation, while experiencing an entire rethinking process.

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