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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Observer un terrain est-ce le respecter ? une question de méthode pour l'anthropologue de la Communication ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.25 pp.3-21
Observer un terrain est-ce le respecter ? une question de méthode pour l'anthropologue de la Communication
Françoise Albertini1†
1 Professeure, Françoise Albertini, Université de Corse-Pasquale Paoli UMR CNRS LISA 6240.
Key Words : Anthropology of communication-Theories-Field-Respect,Anthropologie de la communication-Théories-Terrain-Respect


How will the researcher behave when he decides to invest a field? What will be its starting point? How should he observe his object? The exercise is not easy and every researcher, every student, knows at this stage that he cannot ignore this questioning. If the writing work will give substance and consistency to the action in a second step, the confirmed or apprentice researcher must first ask himself about the posture to adopt because he has the heavy responsibility of establishing the theoretical base upstream on which he will build the rest of his research.
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