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The Aesthetics of Daily Spoken Language of Turkish ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.31 pp.109-132
The Aesthetics of Daily Spoken Language of Turkish
Züleyha Hande Akata1†
1 Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Faculty of Human Sciences and Literature, Ardahan University, Ardahan/Tiirkiye
Key Words : Turkish,daily spoken language of Turkish,everyday aesthetics,familiar aesthetics,formulaic expressions


Aesthetics has been the subject of different fields from the past to the present and has been evaluated through various approaches. There are different definitions of aesthetics, but the common aspect is its association with beauty and the senses. Despite its close relationship with fields such as philosophy and art history, everyday aesthetics has developed in a different direction from these fields today, focusing on the ordinary aspects of daily life. Everyday aesthetics reveals the aesthetic value of ordinary and commonplace phenomena. Daily spoken language is such a phenomenon. Before the emergence of everyday aesthetics, studies on aesthetics mostly focused on the literary aspects of language. For example, Turkish is one of the languages in which such studies exist. There are many studies aimed at revealing the aesthetic value of Turkish, whose earliest written products we have started to see since the 7th century. The main focus of these studies is on written language and literary works thought to reflect the aesthetic value of written language. Other studies on the aesthetic dimension of language have also concentrated on written language. However, the daily spoken language of Turkish has not been included in these aesthetic studies. One of the areas where the real richness of Turkish discourse and its aesthetic value are revealed is spoken language. This study aims to provide an opportunity to make inferences about the aesthetic value of the daily spoken language of Türkiye Turkish through the concept of everyday aesthetics. The sample of the study has consisted of the most frequently used formulaic expressions in daily language. The spoken language has been analyzed in terms of everyday aesthetics by considering the functions of these formulaic expressions. While analyzing the formulaic expressions, the evaluation criteria of everyday aesthetics have been taken into consideration, and efforts were made to reveal their aesthetic value based on their alignment with these criteria and their functions in daily life. This study highlights that aesthetics extends beyond the formal and literary domains of language. It illustrates that everyday language usage can also be associated with sub-fields of aesthetics based on various criteria, in addition to the more traditional areas such as formal and literary language. The primary objective of this study is to uncover the aesthetic value inherent in the Turkish spoken language, addressing a gap in this area, and to introduce the concept of everyday aesthetics to the Turkish academic literature within the realm of linguistic performance.
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