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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Vers une communication interne hybride, organisationnelle et apprenante ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.30 pp.45-64
Vers une communication interne hybride, organisationnelle et apprenante
Frederic Ely1†
1 Maître de Conférences en SIC, Université Côte d'Azur, EUR CREATES
Key Words : hybridity,hybrid internal communication,organization,digital,hybridité,communication interne hybride,organisation,numérique


The central issue of this research is to question the notion of hybridity through the activity and internal communication methods of the Director of Internal Communication in the company, in front of those of the organizational communication teacher. We observe in this sense the results of an experiment, over three consecutive years, of a transposition, in the context of university education, of the uses of an internal communication model initially applied and studied in company. This experiment leads us to the conclusion of a transferability, from one world to another, of the model studied, which, although partial, allows us to propose the observation and the definition, as future research paths, a form of hybridity of internal communication that we call Hybrid Internal Communication.
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