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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Pour une approche moniste et éthique du sujet aphasique ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.20 pp.3-45
Pour une approche moniste et éthique du sujet aphasique
1 Université Paris Nanterre
1 Université Paris Nanterre
Key Words : Aphasia,AVC,Medical Ethics,Didactics of Languages,Language rehabilitation,Cognitive remediation,Tutorage


After a short presentation of Medical Ethics and its definitions, we approach this paradigm on a general level, from a brief commentary on the Hippocratic Oath, which is still relevant today. All care actions of health professionals are part of the ethics of this oath. So we think about the problem of health ethics, evoking the multiple disability paradigm and chronic disease: more specifically, we consider the sudden onset of aphasia and the lived experience of the aphasic subject, usually an adult. Hospitalized for three months, on average, he follows a "language rehabilitation" or "cognitive remediation", for at least three years, conceived as a tutorage, in the didactic sense of the term, specifically adapted to adulthood. To support this multidisciplinary reflection, we use the philosophy of Kant, educator and didactician, we study the concepts of respect and dignity, in order to provide to the aphasic person the care best adapted to his state and his psychology.
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