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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Giftedness and Cultural Diversity, Viewed from a Personalist Perspective ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.15 pp.177-203
Giftedness and Cultural Diversity, Viewed from a Personalist Perspective
Gabriele Weigand1†
1 Professor / Karlsruhe University of Education
Key Words : giftedness,cultural diversity,person,individuality,dignity


Giftedness and cultural and ethnic background as categories of diversity are viewed from a personalist perspective. After introducing the issue, we look at the question of giftedness and cultural and ethnic background not only as sociocultural constructs but also as categories that influence practice when dealing with diversity in schools. From a personalist perspective, the person is the source for educational thinking and acting. I will therefore describe what it means to view the human being as a person, presenting the historical and philosophical roots as well as the dimensions and functions of the concept of the person as a basis of educational theory and practice. The consequence of these considerations will be the thesis that the starting point and aim of educational theory and practice cannot be the narrow focus on giftedness and cultural and ethnic background, but rather the human being with all his individuality and dignity, with his capabilities and talents that are to be realized during his life-time. Finally, I will discuss the implications resulting from this anthropological basis for a personalist pedagogy of fostering giftedness and gifted students.
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