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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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The Secular Education of the Citizenship and the Religious Facts : From Difficulties to the Application ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.15 pp.147-157
The Secular Education of the Citizenship and the Religious Facts : From Difficulties to the Application
Charles Coutel1†
1 Professor / Artois University
Key Words : secular education,morality,humanist culture,education of religious facts,republican culture


The institution of a secular education of morality in connection with a non-denominational education of the religious facts is a determining factor of the education crisis. It is the merit of Charles Péguy to light the way towards an exit of crisis, by defining a not too wide field of education to avoid confusion or fusion, as the risk to confuse pupils and masters, and by developing means to cover the enormous deficit of humanist and republican culture, the result of which our problems are.
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