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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Bible in Toulouse (France): Interreligious Reading with Subscriptions on the Internet ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.15 pp.99-132
Bible in Toulouse (France): Interreligious Reading with Subscriptions on the Internet
Benoît Petit1†
1 Professor / University of Toulouse II
Key Words : Internet,France,public sphere,decision sociology,interreligious relationship


A public reading of the Bible was organized in Toulouse twice, by two groups of people who built a website. Two of them are presented here, with a focus on decision and social transaction: BECATOU and the public reading of the “Bible in Toulouse” (BAT) The author follows these events ─ by participative observation over a couple of years from the point of view of sociology: how information is passed (on to a reader, a listener or a web user). The focus is both on the relationship between religious communities, and within each one. This article shows people's way of thinking evolve through time and highlights the question raised by the internet in religious exchanges and relationships. Many questions arise with internet for the transmission of beliefs and interreligious exchanges with the end of the parish civilization.
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