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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Codex architectural et palimpseste urbain ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.14 pp.225-239
Codex architectural et palimpseste urbain
Hafida Boulekbache1†
1 Professor / University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis
Key Words : architecture,palimpsest,city,trace,memory


The architectural compositions are the fruit of time settings and various events. They are the legacy of several superimposed layers and / or juxtaposed, and the result of suggestive projects evokes stratifications, which juggling between two time frames; past and present and the formation of urban palimpsest; the city. The architecture is an "intelligible matter" that involves reasoning and induces to express and show an intentional act, which creates architectural expression of a thought, identity, that is, a "trace". The latter allows the architect to design and to include an architectural idea that is recognizable and readable through the perception of space and time. Therefore, the perception of architecture evolves to adapt constantly to the new conditions of use. The architecture is a path and an open book to the future, but is also a testimony of the past and a memory.
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