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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Saussure, the Founder of Semiotics ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.10 pp.183-197
Saussure, the Founder of Semiotics
Michel Arrivé1†
1 Emeritus Professor / University of Paris X
Key Words : Saussure,semiotics,linguistics,science,Peirce


It is a rare feat to invent a new science especially in modern days. Ferdinand de Saussure is one of the few scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who had succeeded in such achievement. It is not linguistics that Saussure had invented, as is commonly understood by people. Certainly Saussure had had a significant influence on the evolution of linguistics. But he did nothing of that “invention”. However, Saussure had invented semiotics from a different standpoint to the American scholar Charles Sanders Peirce who lived roughly in the same era. This paper aims to reveal initial disciplines and theoretical design of Saussure as the founder of semiotics.
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