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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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"The Superlative Body" of Top-models : Images and Social Imaginary of Ideal Body ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.8 pp.23-44
"The Superlative Body" of Top-models : Images and Social Imaginary of Ideal Body
Pascal Lardellier1†
1 Professor / University of Burgundy
Key Words : superlative body,top-model,ideal body,media,contemporary society


While fashion is experiencing a unprecedented media hype, top-models have emerged as essential media figures. Raised to the rank of archetypes in the media, top-models' bodies fulfill a symbolic function with social power. These models actually update the myth of the perfect body, and its give meaning and shape. In order to meet any desire ― or to pursue any fear ― does the myth meet with such an echo in contemporary societies? This is one of the questions that this article aims to shed some light.
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