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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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The Body between Deficiency and Excess in Contemporary Cinema ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.6 pp.243-252
The Body between Deficiency and Excess in Contemporary Cinema
Gérard Imbert1†
1 Professor / Charles III University of Madrid
Key Words : body,contemporary cinema,deficiency,excess


Media representation of the body is divided between two opposing views: 1) the glorious body of advertising and in part of political discourse and, on the other hand, 2) the body abused by being overburdened with information, as in the body as is now experiencing of the limits of postmodern cinema. These representations show a body that is no longer in a defined place, which has no specific assigned place, and constantly oscillates between deficiency and excess. The body moves from one extreme to the other, most likely because the identities are neither stable nor secure within a given place. This paper analyzes to what extent the body functions there as a sign, with a certain autonomy, or refers to the identity previously known of, is the signifier of discomfort, or of an expression of emptiness. These questions are central to such discussion as the body appears as a place of resistance, a body in motion, leaving the norm may be obscene-offstage-breaking down barriers between public and private, between inside and outside, and leads to an ambivalent exaltation of the flesh.
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