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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Epistemological Foundation for Design-Science : From a Historical Perspective of Modern Design and Zeitgeist ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.4 pp.23-56
Epistemological Foundation for Design-Science : From a Historical Perspective of Modern Design and Zeitgeist
Yo-Song Park1†
1 제주대학교 인문대학 독일학과/사회교육대학원 스토리텔링학과
Key Words : Modern Design,Semiotics,Werkbund,Bauhaus,Arts & Crafts Movement,Good Design


Starting from the core concept of modern design theories (disegno), we propose here some semiotic prespectives for epistemological approach. Design, in this respect, is more than a merely decorating skill to produce goods, but rather a very complex competency, which can lead to innovative communication in all possible realms of a community. For this reason, we need some points: the craft of professional skill in the pre-industrial society should be transformed from personal know-how to societal competency. Design emerged at the turn to the 20th century, and its special legacy such as the Werkbund & Bauhaus in Germany and Arts & Crafts Movement in England, Dadaism & Constructivism, modern science and philosophy, ergonomics and aesthetics, as well as the production and accep-tance of goods, must be linked in an interdisciplinary academic schema in order to provide a variety of transitions between and across them. These insights are covering now following aspects: Product & Brand Communications, Urban semiotics, Festivals, Story-Telling etc. With this actual topic, we stand now in front of a new task for Semiotics, and I think its academic and practical potential is truly huge.
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