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International Journal of Applied Social and Human Scienes

ISSN(Print) : 1976-9660

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Mediterranean Cities in Middle Age's Islamic Maps ×
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EPISTÉMÈ Vol.2 pp.97-121
Mediterranean Cities in Middle Age's Islamic Maps
Chang-Mo Choi1†
1 건국대학교 히브리중동학
Key Words : Islamic Maps,Middle Age,Mediterranean Sea,Exchange of Cultures and Civilizations


Mediterranean sea is a civilization of passage and transference, statistic and dynamic. She is an Uterus, the Mother of all civilizations that were born around her. Mediterranean world becomes immediately a political world. Mediterranean civilization since her Greek pass ways is a link that binds all the territories around her. She is nobody's property and stands as herself. She is a space of cultural intercourses. And she is more than one thousand years at the heart of the islamic world. Mediterranean civilization is a complex one that holds Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and European cultures all together. It can be viewed as a representative model par excellence for the exchange of the civilizations. Islamic Maps in Middle Age show that they are deeply influenced by from the ancient Greek Civilization to the Indian, Persian and Byzantine Cultures both in practical and theoretical levels. They seem to be more abstract, that is geographical, than concrete or practical. But simultaneously, they seem to concentrate more on secular purpose like governing, trade and voyage than on religious one like theology in early Christianity world at the same period. We conclude that they are made mainly for the purpose of practical reasons.
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