Past Issues
Saussure, the Founder of Semiotics
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.10 pp.183-197
AbstractIt is a rare feat to invent a new science especially in modern days. Ferdinand de Saussure is one of the few scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who had succeeded in such achievement. It is not linguistics that Saussure had invented, as is commonly understood by people. Certainly Saussure had had a significant influence on the evolution of linguistics. But he did nothing of that “invention”. However, Saussure had invented semiotics from a different standpoint to the American scholar Charles Sanders Peirce who lived roughly in the same era. This paper aims to reveal initial disciplines and theoretical design of Saussure as the founder of semiotics.
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Le style tensif et le conflit du sens dans le texte littéraire : le cas de “Le chien et le flacon” de Baudelaire
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.10 pp.201-224
AbstractThe tensive style, as developed by the semiotic discourses, has built an interaction between two levels of discourse, namely the intensity and extensity. First of all, we may return in terms of content and secondly in terms of the expression of literary text. The tensive intersection of these two planes of language creates a tension that gives rise to conflicts of meaning. From what tensive process is it possible to study these conflicts? In what tensive style is a relationship with the cultural style established? This essay aims to demonstrate it through the poetic text of Baudelaire, the conflict in meaning while using the tensive style and the role it plays in the choice of value nder construction.
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C. S. Peirce on First, Feeling, and Consciousness
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.10 pp.225-244
AbstractPeirce's rhematic iconic qualisign challenges the community of Peirce scholars in mainly three ways: First, ontologically, it merely exists as a pure possibility. Second, epistemologically, it is never perceived as itself, but it must always be embodied in a sinsign. Third, it seems impossible for a researcher to communicate a scientific research about it. This paper tries to overcome these difficulties by suggesting a possible case of the rhematic iconic qualisign; the humming sound of pianist Glenn Gould. Peirce's definition of the First in its relation to feeling and consciousness is provided as the theoretical ground of this case study. The dominance of the First in Gould's humming sound gives rise to a conclusion that music's essence is its firstness, namely the quality of feeling.
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Software Evolution and the Future of Learning
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.10 pp.245-255
AbstractInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) have a significant effect on our learning system. Beneath the transformation, there exists the advancement of software (S/W) technology. It has been developed from infrastructure S/W to information S/W and is going to evolve into interface S/W. Based upon the SST (social studies of technology) framework which postulates the reciprocal interaction between technology and society, this study attempts to forecast the future of learning fostered by the ongoing evolution of S/W technology. The changing pattern of learning can generally be described as shifting from the transmission of simple knowledge, through the understanding of abstract knowledge, to the mastery of contextual knowledge. In accordance with this transition, society is expected to move from knowledge through intelligence society eventually to semantic society. Along with this line of development, a totally different learning-scape will emerge.
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Persisting Educational Inequality in South Korea : Changes in the Meaning of College Education and Differentiated Educational Field
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.10 pp.257-284
AbstractEducation, once a great equalizer has been lost its power to decrease the gap between the haves and have-nots. The meaning college education holds in South Korea changed over time and educational field differentiated accordingly. Once a scarce resource became a popular method people utilize, now turned into a new minimum. Depending on how people relate to the social boundary created by the meaning of college education, Koreans can be grouped into three categories: beneficiaries, alienated and oppressed, and wasted and excluded. Those who benefit are the ones using college education as one of the resources they have at their disposal. It is a toolkit guiding them with their life strategies. Majority of Koreans are alienated and oppressed by the meaning of college education they consolidated. Excluded are the ones incapable of pursuing college education thus wasted to the other side of the boundary and lost their place of existence in the mainstream educational field.
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Le courriel chez les jeunes adolescents
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.9 pp.15-47
AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the linguistic signs used by adolescents in electronic mail (email) differ from those used in traditional written language. The study was conducted in French, a language with a deep orthography that has strict, addressee-dependent rules for using second person personal pronouns (unfamiliar and familiar forms). Data was collected from 80 adolescents ages 12 to 15 in a natural situation where they had to introduce themselves by email to two addressees, a same-age peer and a teacher. The adolescents were divided into two groups (expert / non-expert) according to their expertise in computer-mediated communication. The results showed that for adolescents, email constitutes a written-language register of its own. Moreover, in terms of adaptation to the addressee (pronoun use), the email register seems to follow the pragmatic rules of traditional spoken and written interaction. The observed differences between the CMC experts and non-experts suggest that the email communication register is acquired gradually.
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Les paradoxes de la communication en forum de discussion
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.9 pp.49-76
AbstractDiscussion forum is an emblematic computer-mediated communication tool. It is one of the oldest CMC tool and it is characterized by several paradoxical features, which can be observed in internet-mediated communication in general. This paper aims to define precisely this CMC tool and to show its interest for CMC Studies. Then it will be shown that communicative exchanges in forums can be analyzed through three paradoxes: they belong to interpersonal and mass media communication, they can be at the same time intimate and impersonal, they correspond at the same time to digital writing and standard written French. These analyses will be illustrated by examples from three prototypical French-speaking discussion forums: Doctissimo, and Fr.rec.boissons.vins.
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10 ans après : une autre étude du «français tchaté» ? Vers une approche phénoménologico-herméneutique de la communication électronique
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.9 pp.77-105
AbstractRooted in a synthetic overview of a few phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches, this article tries to show their relevance as a means to revisit, ten years afterwards, the main hypotheses of a Ph.D thesis studying French as it is encountered on chat channels. This re-evaluation is based upon the work of three researchers developing different theories in the fields of the human sciences and linguistics. These works can concern more widely researches on electronic communication. In conclusion are sketched the principal consequences of this new stance, which can be considered as orientations for oncoming research.
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Sud4science, the Acquisition of a Large Corpus of French SMS to Analyze SMS Writing
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.9 pp.107-138
AbstractThis article describes the sud4science project ( Firstly, the authors present the acquisition phase of both SMS data and questionnaire data. Secondly, they explain anonymisation techniques, transcoding and optional annotation phases. Finally, they propose preliminary (socio-) linguistic analyses of scriptural usage of SMS writing, and they also indicate those that are planned in the foreseeable future.
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Native Techno-Discursiveness on Twitter : An Ecology of Digital Discourse
EPISTÉMÈ :: Vol.9 pp.139-176
AbstractThis paper shows that Twitter discourses can't be analyzed out of their ecosystem. They are native online writings, which constitute hybrid materials incorporating a technological dimension, and they must be observed in their environment, through the users-speakers points of views. We first present the epistemological framework of the study, within a postdualist perspective which allows to lead a symmetrical linguistics, that is to say a way of considering nonhuman materialities and agentivity in discourse elaboration, especially technological. Then we expose our theoretical frame and methodological choices grounded on the concepts of techno-discursiveness as ambient affiliation, searchable talk and produsage. At last we examine the tweet as a specific techno-discursive form, and the hashtag as a techno-form which strongly organizes discursiveness on the micro-blogging network.
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